Monday, September 15, 2008

Our First Year

Holy Dude!* We've been married for a year. It certainly was a quick 365 days.

In the spirit of other "firsts" in our relationship, a few highlights:

Our first date. This was the scrap of paper that Jesse tore from his City Paper in D.C. for me to jot down my phone number. We found it while unpacking some of Jesse's things before our move in August. "Froggy Bottom May 7th after turning in paper for Goodyear." He called about a week later and asked me out to dinner. We went to Pasta Mia. We saw each other every day for the rest of the summer.

We spent many Wednesdays at Toledo Lounge in Washington, D.C. during our first summer as graduate students. $2 pints of beer whenever it rained. Luckily (for our thin wallets), it was a very wet summer.

Our first Halloween was one of the best. I dressed as the Ice Queen and Jesse was Wolverine. He grew a beard to get those sideburns. (I filled in the patches with eye liner.) In preparation for the night, we gelled, and combed, and moussed each other's hair. It was quite an evening.

This was our first case of roller fever. We were whisked back to our childhood when they played the Ghostbusters theme and dimmed the lights - recalling all the broken arms that were sustained by friends who were caught at the bottom of a roller skating pileup. Jesse loved skating so much that he developed a walnut-sized blister on the bottom of his foot.

There have been a lot of "firsts" over the past five and half years, but this one feels pretty darn amazing. Even though today's "first" will be rather low-key (given our still unpacked state), I couldn't think of a better place to celebrate - in our apartment, starting a new adventure in our new city.

*Phrase courtesy of Larson. He exclaimed this sentiment at the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco when seeing the awesomeness of the drum bridge. We also happened to be on our first double date with Larson & Serena.


awmercy said...

Now I am just waiting to win my first argument.

Thecranewife said...

Oh awmercy, didn't you know that being a husband entails never winning arguments? Or starting arguments? Or disagreeing? These things will become clearer to you once you've been married for a year and a half.

Happy (late) anniversary!