Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Date Day/Night

Today we have three things to accomplish:

1) Obtain an Oregon drivers license. The DMV opens at 8am downtown and I plan on arriving with my proof age/ birth/ residence/ citizenship/ bra size/ blood type/ shoe size. I'd say that I would ride my bike (like a true blue Portlander), but that would ruin my hair and force me to have a hideous ID photo for the next 5-8 years. We'll take care of the license plates and car registration another day. I can only handle one transaction at the DMV at a time.

2) Register to vote. No, we haven't done that yet, but don't worry, the deadline isn't until October 14th. We're way ahead of schedule. Since I've been thinking about volunteering to register young voters in Portland, I think it would be a little weird if I weren't already registered myself. This will be the second Presidential election that I volunteer to help with voter registration and voter awareness...let's hope this time my efforts pay off.

3) Attend a debate watching party at the Roots Organic Brewing Company. Even though I've already determined my candidate of choice, I feel it's my patriotic duty to hear what they both have to say. Oh, and to heartily poke fun at my foe (should he choose to show up). Also, we really haven't made many friends yet, so what better way than to convene with people who love beer and my candidate of choice?!

Of course there are several boxes that still need to be unpacked and a ton of cardboard that needs to be taken down to the recycling bin. I'm sure we'll try and fit them in between our very patriotic duties tomorrow.

1 comment:

ve1cro said...

I am seriously considering crashing your date night. Just be careful because I will drink your beers while you two make out!