Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is seriously straying from the main theme of my blog - my search for a house, dog and a yard - but what the heck. I suppose my adventures in Newport and Santa Cruz aren't really relevant either. So here it goes.

At The Crane Wife's request, I sat down and pondered my top five, no holds barred, "hot list" for spring/summer 2008. This list is merely a result of my morning thoughts as I was rushing to dry my hair while sipping on my ritual morning White Russian.** The beefcake status is subject to change at any given hour of the day.

1. Johnny Depp: actor extraordinaire. Hands down hottest ever, even as a murderous barber and an effeminate pirate. And the Johnny Depp of which I'm particularly fond: young George Jung in Blow (I'm not into the bleached, bloated, coke head George Jung), Inspector Fredderick Abberline in From Hell, and Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow.

2. Ola Salo: real name, Rolf Svensson, lead singer of The Ark. Why the name change? Because he loves palindromes. Certainly not a beefcake by traditional standards (a beefcake would never wear hair extensions). However, when I saw him perform at the grand opening of the House of Sweden (Swedish Embassy in D.C.) a couple of years ago, I realized for the first time why girls go crazy over musicians and throw their undergarments on the stage.

3. Christian Bale: actor and dreamboat. My dear Crane Wife, I have to admit I was a little disappointed when he came in as a 5th place tie. I've loved him since the first time I watched Newsies. However, like Tim, I respect your decision (at least he made the list).

4. Errol Flynn: actor, professional seducer and womanizer, possible switch hitter, name behind the phrase "In Like Flynn." He may have been a somewhat creepy dude in real life, but as Sharon's grandpa always says, "hate the game, not the playah." He woos me even from the grave in The Adventures of Robin Hood and The Adventures of Don Juan. What? I like men in tights (see also entry for beefcake number 2).

5. Paul Newman: actor extraordinaire, dreamy eyes, badass. I belive the caption for this photo on the internet read, "huba huba." So true. So true.

** and by White Russian, I mean coffee with cream in a short tumbler (like the Big Lebowski, only minus the vodka and kahlua).


Anonymous said...

I totally respect and agree with your list. I like that you a) included a Swede b) went back in time and c) gave a wee summary (it's like Hot List 2.0). Good form! Smoldering!

Nightrain said...

The list has been posted...