Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Watch Day 8

Yesterday I passed the 41 week mark -- a milestone that I was convinced I would not reach last Thursday at my centering group appointment. So, I'm scheduled to go in today for an appointment with the midwife at 2pm to check in and develop a game plan for the next week. I also have a non stress test at 3pm to monitor my contractions and the baby's heart rate to make sure that he's handling them well. The midwives assured me that there is only a very small fraction of babies who scare/annoy the crap out of their parents by going post-term (42 weeks). I would expect no less from our child.

I think an ultrasound is also on the agenda today to make sure that my amniotic fluid is sufficient to let him continue to hang out for a few more days. I keep checking out this photo on our refrigerator reminding myself that he'll come along when he's ready (and not a minute sooner), but it's pretty hard to be patient! J and I are actually looking forward to the appointments this afternoon. Since I can't have the satisfaction of holding him in my arms, I can at least see him pummel my organs on a high definition screen. Maybe I'll bring along some popcorn and we'll make it a date night.


Thecranewife said...

You should try some reverse psychology on him. Be like, "Yeah, it's pretty lame out here, nothin' to see, nothin' to eat." Trickery!

Aron said...

looks like a cutie already! :)