Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Our Own

My mom left for home this morning and J and I are officially on our own. I feel pretty lucky that we had three weeks of uninterrupted assistance from our parents after Little's arrival. My unplanned c-section threw curve into our postnatal plans, so having family around has made easing into parenthood a lot more fun. Also, our parents got to witness his incredible growth and development in just the first three weeks of life. He now holds his head up pretty well, can track objects and recognize faces, and he even has started to smile at me and J while awake. Oh, also, he's completely busted out of all of his newborn clothing and has moved on to his three-month duds. This little dude knows how to eat!

Last night was a big step for us all, Miles slept for two four-hour stretches and another three hour stretch after that. As a result, he was a very happy baby this morning. If we had actually gone to bed with him at 8pm, we would have gotten eight hours of sleep! I'm hoping that I'm not jinxing it by telling his great accomplishment to the internet. My mom took advantage of his good rest by getting some last minute quality time while Little was incredibly alert. He cooed and kicked happily all morning. 

Also, notice his hair? That's all natural. I let it dry without combing it after his bath last night and it puffed and crinkled up like he'd been charged with electricity. It's undeniable that he's J's son -- his hair grows straight up. I've noticed that he has some new fine hair growing in just in front of his old man receding hairline. It will be interesting to see how his non-baby hair turns out!

1 comment:

Aron said...

That hair is so awesome! :)