Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Morning Daycare

Little is one month old today. It's hard to believe. On one hand, I feel like I've hardly accomplished anything, but on the other, he's changed so much. One thing that we have developed is a pretty consistent morning routine. Little is usually awake and alert between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. We both get up, I nurse him and J changes his diaper and takes him to the office (the dining room). Most mornings he happily coos in his swing and drifts off to sleep. I also happily drift off to sleep for another hour or two until Little is ready to eat again. 

However, this morning he was not stoked about the swing and wanted to be held like a sack of potatoes over J's arm. Unfortunately, typing with one hand is not really an option when rapid-fire emails flood your inbox, so Little was back in the bedroom with me for the morning. Even though we technically got seven hours of sleep last night, I was pretty drowsy. So, I nursed him again and instituted the Brasilliant school of morning daycare (dim lights, a nice belly rub, and a pacifier). It worked like a charm. We slept in until 10am.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sweeeeeeetest photo.