Thursday, February 4, 2010

Organizing My Life: An Update

I've heard people say that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. I think that's pretty true with illness, certainly this economy, and of course, my organizing projects. Sometimes you have to just explode a few boxes before you can pack their contents neatly away in their proper place. See? Even though the bedroom looks even worse than when we started, progress has been made. There are blank spots everywhere on the bookshelf. I'm hoping by the end of the weekend that at least half will be completely empty. I'd like to put down some shelf paper and maybe have a place to temporarily stash our clothes and sheets.

I also made floor plans of our two bedrooms last week and little scale paper pieces of our furniture. We've been
trying to figure out a configuration for the the yet-to-be-purchased-but-much-anticipated-guest-bed in the back room. Until a few days ago, we'd been calling the back room the larger bedroom because, well, it looked a lot bigger. As it turns out, they're almost exactly the same size, but due to doors and built-in shelves the second (front) room it just has a lot less wall space. I think we've gotten a good arrangement figured out that will accommodate a daybed, Jesse's office desk, and a baby crib. Don't worry, we plan on making the crib a somewhat movable fixture, so please still come and visit us. You won't have to tend to our spawn as part of your room and board -- that is unless you're really dying to jump right in on night feedings.

Last weekend, Jesse and I also put together our Expedit shelf from Ikea. Once we get all of the crap cleared out of the hallway (like Jesse's muddy running shoes and miscellaneous items that have piled up in a matter of days) I think it's going to look pretty snazzy. Adult-like even. Gasp! The bottom boxes currently hold nearly all of my fabric stash, sorted by color. Since the top cubby holes look pretty lonely and are just begging for us to fill with more random items, I made another trip out to Ikea yesterday afternoon and picked up four more. I haven't decided exactly what will go in them, but I'm thinking art supplies and other crafty things that we don't use on a regular basis.

As for the rest of the weekend, Jesse and I plan on trying to set up our small TV with the digital antenna to see if we can catch the Superbowl on Sunday evening. I am planning out a delicious menu that will include braised pork (either made into a carnitas pie or tacos), fresh guacamole, chips and dip (of course), and a King Cake. I feel that it's only proper to celebrate the Saints making it to the Superbowl during Mardi Gras season (in addition to this being my official birthday weekend) with a King Cake. My mom passed along a recipe that I think I'm going to try this year that has a cream cheese filling. How could you go wrong? MMM. I can't wait for Superbowl Sunday!

1 comment:

Aron said...

Organization can be so fun, and so painful. Looking good... I want to see more pics of the final setup!