Monday, October 6, 2008

Ahh Home

Saturday's push to unpack and organize felt really good. We made so much progress on the books that we were even able to pull out some of our art. I think in D.C. we took for granted the fact that our books add so much color to our living space -- something we only realized once they were no longer there. Of course, we're still pushing boxes of stuff from one corner to another, but I think one more week and we'll be in pretty good shape.

Sunday's focus was to get the bedroom in some sort of order. So far it has been our go-to spot for piling random mounds of things that have no place. Also, last week I had a revelation that if I am going to start doing contract work, there is no way that both Jesse and I can accomplish anything in the same room. I decided that we needed to set up some kind of work station in the bedroom so I could have a door to close and a space of my own. It's still very primitive, but nothing that a little art and an actual chair can't fix.

And what of the breakfast nook you ask? Well, it's officially become the furniture refinishing station -- that is until we find another kitchen table and chairs. The old kitchen table was a little big for the space, and well, I hadn't yet found chairs. Now it's much more suitable as a desk/project table. Also, I only have to find one chair to match instead of four -- that is a much easier task to tackle on Craigslist.

I'm getting much closer to finishing the sanding on my consignment store chair (I found some 100 grit sandpaper that has been useful in removing those tough spots of varnish). I'll be staining and this weekend for sure.


Nightrain said...

I want an update on the spending... over $200 yet?

Brasilliant said...

Fair enough. I'll post an update on my expenditures tomorrow.

Amanda said...

For added bookshelf excitement, try organizing your books by the color of their spines. Instant rainbow!