Friday, November 12, 2010

Status Update

I'm always surprised when I look at the calendar and find that nearly two weeks has gone by without me even noticing. It seems like Halloween was just yesterday, but now Thanksgiving is just two weeks away and Christmas is just around the corner. We will set out on our maiden voyage with Little to San Francisco and Santa Cruz in exactly nine days! I surveyed our trunk the other day trying to figure out how exactly we are going to pack in all of the baby stuff necessary for nine days away from home -- stroller, infant carrier, portable crib, swing, enough outfits for the two day car ride without doing laundry, and a cooler big enough for all the Corralitos sausage we'd like to bring home. We still haven't planned our exact route. I mean there aren't an abundance of options, but taking 101 for a portion of the trip instead of I-5 all the way down is a possibility. 

I had every intention of scoping out potential hotel stops, organizing the things we'll need, and running errands this week. However, our sweet, dear, adorable Little has had quite a stretch of incredibly cranky days. I'm thinking that he's going through his stormy period just before Wonder Week 12 and is wearing me and J thin in the process. Naps are erratic, night sleeping is spotty, and he gets incredibly angry at the things he can't do like rolling over and crawling. His brain keeps telling him go go go, but his body has yet to catch up. At points I feel bad, because I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be for him, but it's hard to feel sympathy for too long when he doesn't just demand to be held, but entertained for every waking hour. Luckily, there are a few bursts of sunshine during the day and it helps to remind me that he's learning so many new things in such a short period of time. For instance, tummy time is no longer torture. In fact, he loves his new view of the world.  

As for my errands and chores, well, they can wait for another few days. Our friends Ben & Daphne are in town for the weekend and I intend on making the most of their time here. We are going to bundle up this afternoon and take a walk downtown to enjoy the crisp fall air. 

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