Sunday, February 24, 2008

Impulse Will Have to Wait

I was hard returning to work after our really great trip to Portland. At first it was because of jet lag and utter exhaustion. Now, we find the urge to pick up and move has become more and more tempting. One of our closest set of friends found out that they will be transferring to Arkansas by June or July. Cue the back ground music maestro, "dun dun dun dun...another one bites the dust...."

However, as much as we may talk about jumping ship with the rest, Jesse and I have made a pact that we won’t even consider moving until one of us has a full-time job. Neither of us are ready to be on a grad school budget again, and I am pretty sure that I would survive about three days working at a coffee shop. No, make that two. So, for now, the impulse to abandon our studio apartment will have to wait.

This week's task: update resumes and woo our references.

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