Weekend Fun
I mentioned earlier that our friend Ed was in town for a few days to do a couple of comedy shows. J was excited because he had a drinking buddy for the weekend and a very willing concert partner. I was excited, because Ed cooked us french toast and indulged with me in cupcakes and cookies after every meal. Thursday night, we went to see Ed's opening act for a friend, Wyatt Cenac, who was doing a stand-up show at Reed College. Any of you Daily Show fans might recognize Wyatt, who is a writer and a news correspondent.
After the show, we attempted to take them out for an evening in Portland, but ended up first at a bar that was closing up for the evening (at 10:30 on a Thursday night) and a gay bar in Old Town. Clearly, J and I are not as familiar with the downtown night scene as we are with our own neighborhood -- I certainly hope he doesn't hold this against Portland. Next time, we'll do a much better job of hitting the hot spots.
Since we stayed out until 2am, sleeping in was on the menu for Friday morning. Pine State Biscuits was also on the agenda, so we rolled on over to the east side and waited in line (in the rain) for a delicious breakfast/lunch. This is Ed's selection, a biscuit with fried chicken, egg, and cheese. I had a special menu item, which consisted of a biscuit, fried chicken, bacon, cheese, and apple butter. It was amazing. I had a hard time deciding between the special and the Reggie (bacon, fried chicken, cheese, and homemade sausage gravy). The sausage gravy smelled so good that I'm pretty sure we'll have to go back very soon so I can give it a try. After Pine State, J and Ed took a long walk around town while I passed out for a couple of hours in a food coma.
Even though Ed had been to Portland a couple of times before, he'd never really ventured outside of the city limits. So, he packed up his suitcase, threw it in the trunk of our car, and we headed out to Multnomah Falls for the afternoon before dropping him off at the airport on Saturday. It was a beautiful day in Portland, sunny, but still a little cool. The falls were spectacular and the moss was electric green because of all the rain that we got on Friday. I probably should have worn one more layer, but I always forget how it's usually 10 degrees colder than at home in the city. We didn't hike up to the top, because none of us were really dressed appropriately for the temperature. Also, we had delicious sandwiches waiting in the car (and I was starving)!
It felt great to have a guest in town again. It's one of the things that I truly miss about D.C. -- we always seemed to have visitors. I can't wait for the next couple of months when we'll get to have lots of friends and family visiting, which will make Portland really start to feel like home.
** Thanks, Ed, for taking a bunch of great photos this weekend!
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