15 weeks: A little bump that might be mistaken for a giant lunch or as I liked to call it my "burrito baby".
According to my Mayo Clinic Guide (my pregnancy Bible), the baby is about 5 1/2 inches long, or the size of a large baked potato. The rolling and tickling feelings that I've had for the past few weeks have definitely turned into thumps and pokes. Apparently, its ears are formed and all hooked up with the brain. One pregnancy source said the baby can "hear the tender beats of my heart" and "cooing sound of my voice." Barf -- I don't coo and I'm pretty sure my heart is more like a snare drum after climbing three giant flights of stairs everyday. Regardless, Jesse has been dreaming up a playlist of choice songs to make sure the baby comes out prepared to make the most of his extensive iTunes collection.
More importantly though, we go in on Tuesday for my second trimester ultrasound. I can't express how excited I am to see the baby again (and hopefully find out the sex). I'm not sure how I can wait a whole six days, but I'll try to distract myself somehow!
Don't you love the baby to food comparisons? Your baby is the size of a large pear, a smallish melon, a double-stuffed baked potato with bacon.
Also, next time you listen to the heart beat, note that you can also hear the beat of the placenta. Wonders never cease!
The placenta is a mysterious blob that both amazes me and freaks me out. It's own heartbeat? It's like an alien.
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