Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We signed a ream of papers last night and basically the transaction is complete on our end. As soon as the paperwork goes through and the sale is recorded we get the keys (which probably won't happen until tomorrow). I have to say, the process was very anticlimactic. Even though we handed over a giant check and signed our lives away until 2042, it was hard to drive back to our apartment and celebrate. 

That is, until we all sat down after dinner to watch Doc Martin, one of our go-to TV shows at the moment, and had to pause the show to listen to the band playing down the street at full volume. On a Tuesday. We rolled our eyes and laughed, vowing that Friday will be our last night in this apartment.

We will have our house tomorrow and there's still so much to do!


2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

Con grats! Wonderful! good for you! Im reminded of my own JOY at becoming a home owner.
Looks like a great house.

Brasilliant said...

Thanks! I've enjoyed your recent quilt updates and hope to get back to crafting once we have more space!

Maia Dobson said...
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