Saturday, April 7, 2012

Photo Emergencies

For about three weeks, my Nikon camera battery has been MIA. I just assumed it was misplaced or stashed in a special spot (that I'd certainly never forget). I assured myself that I'd find it once we started packing and organizing, but I really did it this time. I'm pretty sure it's lost for good. So, last week, I ordered a new battery charger online and it arrived yesterday afternoon. 

As a result of the charger being gone, I haven't taken as many photos as I usually would, hoping to extend the battery's life for real photo "emergencies." The battery finally gave out when I was taking a video of J and Little playing "forts." I'm sad I missed out, it was really cute, but I know there will be many more opportunities, as Miles loves nothing more than playing forts. 

Well, except for eating Pirate's Booty for breakfast, sans pants, while watching soccer with his dad. Last weekend, we were having a rough morning -- Little woke up way too early, was hungry and cranky, but refused to eat anything. He also decided that his pants had to go. Who am I to judge? So, J found a soccer game on TV and a happy morning was born. Little ate his weight in Pirate's Booty and went on to enjoy a more healthy breakfast. A true photo emergency if I've ever seen one.

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