Photo Update
Yikes! The last time I updated was over two weeks ago! The lack of posting hasn't been for lack of good material, but I've been super busy (and without a functioning camera). So, here are a few photos (taken exclusively by others) to get you up to speed.
Chicago was amazing. For once I brought good weather with me on vacation. I had such fun catching up with Lauren and exploring her neighborhood. We stopped in for the afternoon at the Chicago Botanical Gardens and admired all of the early bloomers.
This variety of Ranunculus were absolutely gorgeous. Definitely on my list of must have garden items when I get that patch of grass someday.
J's parents were in town for the weekend and we caught the first Timbers game of the season. It's a good thing we got there early and secured good seats, because the Timbers won to a sold out crowd. I celebrated by inhaling a giant hot dog. I can't wait for the rest of the season!
On Sunday, we all took an epic hike up to the Japanese Garden, then on to the Pittock Mansion, and back down to the city through Forrest Park. I'm guessing it was in the range of 6-8 miles (with lots of uphill climbs) and we were all happy to land at the final destination, St. Honore's Boulangerie for sandwiches and pastries.
I had another prenatal group meeting with the midwives yesterday and all seems to be going well. I got to hear Baby G's heartbeat again, which is always a nice treat, but not without some difficulty -- he kept kicking the dopplar before the nurse's aid could get an accurate count. Finally, he played nice and let us document the 150 beats per minute. He then settled down for the afternoon, but started up again right around bedtime so J could feel his bumps and rolls. J's finally been able to understand what I mean when I say "the baby is going nuts right now."
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