New Toy
After reading multiple reviews and pondering over a new camera purchase, I finally made up my mind this past weekend. It took a while and up until the final click to purchase, I was unsure of my decision. I know, I know, it's just a stupid point and shoot, but I had my Nikon for about 6 years and had done very little research on new developments. My findings? There are a lot of cameras and a lot of opinions. I was initially inclined to just get the newer model of the Nikon I had before, since it took pretty good photos and I had no problems with it (other than all of the screws eventually falling out). However, the reviews on photo quality were mediocre and so I decided to dig a little further.
As I said, after hours of internet surfing and a lot of pondering, I decided on the Panasonic Lumix for two reasons: it got outstanding reviews overall for being a very versatile camera, and it has a Leica lens. If I learned nothing else from my photography class in college, I came away truly understanding the meaning of fine handcrafted German precision when I developed my first roll of film taken with my professor's 1940s Leica. The only compromise is the camera's size, which isn't as compact as some of the point and shoot cameras on the market right now, but it certainly isn't huge either. Realistically, Jesse and I would probably destroy a camera the size of a credit card anyway.
Judging from the test shots that I've taken so far I think I made the right decision -- or maybe I could have just upgraded to anything other than my 6-year-old Nikon and been happy. Either way, I have a couple of cooking projects going on tomorrow and a trip to Tillamook this weekend with Jesse's parents to really put it to the test.
Hey! Can you use your new toy to take some pictures of your chair recovering efforts? I want to do our dining room set, but have never recovered anything before.
Seat covers are a good first time project -- not terribly hard and very rewarding! I didn't actually take photos of the recovering process, but I can take photos of the end result.
This is a really helpful webpage that I used to make sure I was getting the right materials and going through the right steps (I didn't have an electric staple gun or the webbing stretcher and the chair covers turned out just fine). If your dining chairs aren't ancient like mine, you'll likely have a solid seat pad and won't have to redo all of that webbing.
Yeah, take pictures of the finished product. I'm psyched to see what fabric you chose.
awesome! I can't wait to see the results!
How are you liking it? Expecting lots of photos of another project soon...
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