Organization: Making Progress
This morning I was up before the sun at 5am. I'm not sure if it was because I'm still recovering from east coast time, or my hormones are so out of wack that it will be physically impossible for me to sleep in ever again. In my head I started going over all of the things that I need to do: write two papers, finally work on our taxes, and of course finish organizing the apartment. Since organizing the apartment is much more fun, I started making a list of the things I need to tackle next. If I continue to wake up in the wee hours of the morning, I should at least have some things to do before Jesse (and the sun) gets up out of bed.
Before leaving for Florida, we had a great weekend of organizing that left me feeling pretty good about the state of our living space. We shifted around the back bedroom to make space for the guest bed mattresses and ordered perfectly sized boxes to hide away his hundreds of cds (ahem a thousand and some change). I also worked on that shelf in our bedroom that was causing me so much stress. It's still not perfect, but if you shield your eyes from the very top that is still pure chaos, I am pretty pleased with the progress.
I lined all of the shelves with dotted shelf paper and have implemented a strict towel and sheet folding policy so that everything stays compact and tidy. Jesse has embraced the towel folding, since he is also very particular about the way his t-shirts are folded and stored. However, I think I'll have sheet duty for the rest of my days, since his method of folding fitted corners is rolling them in a ball and shoving them out of sight. The middle shelf is half empty (except for the gender neutral baby items), but I plan on using that for clothing items that don't quite fit in our drawers. Maybe that would be a good way of showcasing Jesse's t-shirt folding talent.
However, if my mom keeps up at her current pace (full speed ahead), we may have that middle shelf filled in no time. Can you tell that she's just a little excited about being a grandmother? A couple of weeks ago, I got a package in the mail addressed to the baby and inside was this amazing quilt. Apparently, she started on it just days after she found out that I was expecting. Recognize the pattern? My mom knows me too well! When we arrived in Florida for our recent visit, another set of baby items were waiting for us in our room -- a giant pile of receiving blankets, burp pads, and a couple of bibs. All were made by mom and much better looking than anything that I could find in the store. She even hand-stitched the back side of the blanket and burp cloth binding! We are going to have one spoiled little dude or dudette in just a few more months. Hopefully s/he will have a somewhat organized apartment to come home to!
I would beg you to come over and organize our linen closet, except I think that the chaos would give you a heart attack, and then I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life.
Oh, I've been selective in showing the internets the chaos that is our main closet. It's just too embarrassing. I say "bring it" to your linen closet.
Um, your mom is amazing.
Yep! I learned from the best!
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