Timbers, Fettucine, Cocktails, Sweltering Heat
I started a post on Friday to talk about my Thursday night at the Timbers game. The game was awesome. However, they tied with the Puerto Rico Islanders despite my chanting with the rest of the crowd. I think when I become gainfully employed again, Timbers season tickets are going to be a household budget line item. I was really excited to write about my night out with Jesse and our friend Tivra, but my laptop power cord died and I wasn't able to figure out how to transfer photos from my camera to Jesse's laptop. Even though I'm only half-way finished with my coffee and the synapses aren't all firing in sync, I plugged in the old camera for a second try. While waiting for the 698 photos to load off my memory card (because I don't have the option to only load 3), I'll tell you a little about my weekend.
I decided to make Friday night a celebration because I successfully completed my first week of school, Jesse finished editing a giant proposal, and I hadn't cooked a real meal since his birthday the week before. So, we made homemade fettuccine and I threw together a fresh tomato sauce that was pretty darn tasty. It was hot and my voice was scratchy from the Timbers game the night before, but it was so nice to sit down and have a nice dinner. I'll have to write down and post the recipe for the sauce sometime, but that's for another day.
Saturday was even hotter than Friday (peaking at about 92 degrees) and to beat the heat we had cocktails blended with lots of ice. I then got dressed up and met up with a few ladies on the tail end of a martini crawl. It was so much fun because I have neither dressed up, nor had a ladies night out since I moved to Portland. Not surprisingly, I paid for my Saturday night fun with a serious case of the slows on Sunday. Yesterday it hovered around 95 degrees outside until 6pm and didn't get much below 80 in the evening. Today, tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday are supposed to be around 99-102 degrees, so Jesse and I are planning on heading out in a little while to spend the day in air-conditioning.
I'll head off to my second week of class and he'll probably find a coffee shop or park at a table at the library to get some writing done. After this week I'll officially be half-way finished with my summer course. It was a little hard to get back into reading a textbook and participating in discussion, but I'm getting the hang of it again.
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