I thought it appropriate for Jesse to document this day, just like my Mom documented every single first day of school during my childhood. I'm pretty sure I was never this excited about starting up a class though. My first day went well and I think I'm going to like this urban planning stuff. There's already a lot that I already know, like process and evaluation, and making a million alternatives to study and ponder (that will likely never come to fruition). This time around, instead of just evaluating historic buildings, I can think about things like transportation and the environment, or affordable housing and historic buildings.
I knew I was in for a completely new experience when the syllabus indicated that we only have to read about 40 pages a night and our only writing assignment consists of three two-page "memos" on an urban plan of our choice -- naturally I'm going to select Portland. Apparently in the "real world" urban planners have little time to read dissertations, so our written assignments have to be clear and concise. I love it!* I've already pegged the token ass-head in class, but I think I can ignore him for the most part. I don't think you could call it school without one of those people.
*Downside? I think I might miss the footnotes a little.
Yay planning! I'm so happy for you. I think you'll love it. A lot.
Forget the crying, I think I actually sobbed over cultural theory. Like big, heaving sobs that made the little blood vessels around my eyes burst... ha ha.
Congrats on completing your first day of school, EB! I like your new super cute back-to-school bag.
"ass-head" haha
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