Why I Need a House
Reason No. 1,897,473: Hood above my stove and cross-ventilation.
I'm tired of wearing the scent of whatever I cook. I have quite a track record of cooking smelly foods. My motto? If it doesn't have onions, don't bother. Gumbo = B.O. Even if I throw open the kitchen window, there's nothing stopping the smells from migrating into the rest of the apartment and ruining my day. So, that's where I am this morning, wearing Eau de Toasted Cumin and Onions from a pot of beans. I reek.
For some reason a few months ago, I bought a two-pound bag of pinto beans. I think it only cost $1.00, so I couldn't resist. My purchase shortly followed a conversation with Jesse about my personal opinion on ordering at Tacos Moreno (in Santa Cruz). I think that people should skip the burritos and just get the quesadilla with beans. Seriously, the beans are like crack; certainly cooked to perfection in pure lard. Granted, Tacos Moreno's carnitas is pretty spectacular too, but there's something about the simplicity of beans and cheese in a fresh tortilla. Anyway, once I got home, I realized that pinto beans are probably the most boring beans around and had no idea what I was going to do with them. Today, I decided to suck it up and just cook the darn things. I found a recipe from Bon Appetit that looked appealing. I think they're going to be quite tasty.
In all honesty, I'm using my cooking project today as a crutch. I needed to feel successful at something after finding out this morning that we didn't get the contract for the school survey project. The district went with an engineering firm instead, although I'm not sure exactly why. The suspense after our interview last week nearly killed me, so it was actually relieving to know one way or another. There will be other cool projects, I know, but still, what a bummer! One good thing today (besides the beans) is that my herbs are finally sprouting.
We'll have basil and cilantro in no time -- both destined for delicious pesto no doubt!
You've worn Gumbo=B.O. for a long time it followed you from our home & now into your own home. In your house make sure you invest in a high powered hood vent.
I need the Tim "the tool man" Taylor version that's powered by a jet engine.
Larson and I used to argue about what could/should be cooked when we lived in his studio. I felt it was perfectly appropriate to use as much garlic as possible in almost everything, he said he didn't like it to smell like food where he slept. Touche.
Sorry to hear about the job. I hope the beans are an effective distraction.
I might be in Santa Cruz in June very briefly, during a work trip. I want to check out that taco place.
Jesse's brother says it's the best!
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