Running Epiphany
So, I've periodically updated on my attempt to get back into running again by setting a steadfast schedule based on mileage goals. To date, the progress has been kind of crappy -- to the point that I only have been half-heartedly attempting to even finish my second week of the 1.5-mile running loop. As you know, the first attempt resulted in me almost losing my lunch and the second, third, fourth, etc. were almost as disappointing. Run after run, I was hardly making any improvement and seriously thought there was something wrong with me. When comparing my experience now to when I first started to get into running in D.C., I was bummed -- in only a couple of months, I was running for 30 or more minutes without even panting. It was nice, relaxing even.
My first thought after feeling defeated multiple times by my embarrassingly short runs (only 1.5 miles), was that 29 is a lot older than 27. Go ahead, roll your eyes, but in my defense, I do have multiple (obnoxious) grey hairs up front to prove that point. Anyway, I was feeling all hunched and trollish until Jesse's brother, Eric, emailed with a simple suggestion. He suggested that I pick an amount of time and just run. Then, I can improve by covering more distance within my time goal and eventually add more time to the length. (This coming from the guy who averages 55 miles a month, talk about rolling eyeballs.)
So, I tried it. I expanded my loop to just under 3 miles and decided that I would run for 10 minutes and walk the rest of the way home if necessary. It worked! I ran for 10 minutes and still felt good, so I ran for another 5. After that, I walked for 4 minutes (or the approximate length of one awesome Ark song) to catch my breath and jogged the rest of the 3-mile loop. In addition to running way more than I expected, my 1-mile split was a lot faster than it had been previously. This could possibly have something to do with the fact that I've been running off and on for a couple of weeks, but I like to think it's because my mental block has been lifted.
The overall accomplishment today? I ran 2 miles, which was physically impossible before. Seriously, my body groaned after the 1.5 mile based on distance. I also ran for a total of about 22 minutes, which is 7 minutes more than I had been able to do just a couple of days ago. Now that I think back, this approach is not all that different than when I started back in D.C., I just needed to be hit over the head with it again.
I'm happy to have found a way to get back into a running pattern that works for me. I felt so excited about all of the progress I made in just one run that I'm pretty sure getting out the door will be a lot easier from now on.
Can I get a witness for fitness! Nice work.
I think that's the dorkiest thing I've ever heard you say! Nice.
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