48 Hours: A Photo Essay
Friday, we officially kicked off our moving box packing festivities. By Sunday evening our things were in a giant crate. If I actually wrote an entry on the whole process, it would be about 8 pages. So, the photos will have to do a bulk of the work.
"State of the Crate" as of Friday mid-evening. At this point Jesse declared "standardized boxes rule!"
Delirium set in around 11pm and we started assigning random names (kitchen-ma-bobbers) and placing totally ridiculous "items" to the box list. Yes, we do have a really ugly Christmas plate. No, I do not allow J to own nunchucks.
Here is the view of our lovely crate, delivered exactly 40 minutes earlier than scheduled. Also pictured is one of the 86 billion ass-face-haters who parked 3 inches from the door of our beautiful crate. I guess "EMERGENCY NO PARKING" means nothing to about 98% of D.C. drivers.
"State of the Crate" Sunday morning before the grand process of loading commenced.
Breakfast of champions for the crate-loaders. J cooked up a batch of eggs with Corralitos Cheesy Bavarian sausage that complimented leftover homemade beer bread and marionberry jam. Yum. J cheerfully offered to "do dishes."
This is the guy who snagged the stuff we deposited in our basement. He sold it on the sidewalk Sunday afternoon while we were packing our crate. I was weirded out at first, but then he helped us load our mattress, so we're cool.
"State of the Crate" on Sunday around 2pm. Almost full, but a few more things left to cram. We made it though. ONE CRATE.
This is the pool at the hotel where we stayed on Sunday night. My Mom booked the rooms for us earlier in the month and I thought she was crazy. I was wrong. We checked in at 3pm, did the deadman float until 4:00pm, had dinner then were back to the apartment to do some cleaning.
Our apartment after packing and a little cleaning. Still a bit more to go, but it's pretty darn empty.
Looks pretty much the same as when I first moved in, only I'm not the one passed out on the floor this time.
J is actually sleeping. I can hear him breathing. I'm pretty sure that means we should head back to the hotel.
It was our last day of work in D.C. today (Monday) and I couldn't be happier. Tomorrow we catch our plane to Portland. One-way tickets.
I can't wait.
AMAZING! Congratulations and safe travels!
safe trip, you two---all the best :-)
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