We let the cat out of the bag at our happy hour at Angles on Friday. It's amazing how much information you will divulge after 2 beers and no dinner (in this particular instance, I was not the giant blabber mouth). J told several of his coworkers and former coworkers about our time frame for moving to the West Coast. I have to say, it felt pretty good.
Back in April, we set a tentative date of July 31st, but only shared the deadline with a select few. While we have talked freely with our families about specific plans for moving, we've been holding our cards close with our friends and coworkers in D.C. Mostly, we didn't want to cause unnecessary drama and speculation, but also, until recently we really weren't entirely sure when we would take the plunge.
The turning point in our decision was the trip to G graduation. Even though our time in California was incredibly short, we both totally forgot about our stress at home. I slept like a log (an occurrence that has eluded me for the past two months) and J was much more relaxed.

The thought of all the things we need to do in 60 days gives me hives. However, J has been the keeper of sanity and manager of my mini meltdowns, so for that I am grateful. Hopefully in a couple of weeks, I'll be rocking the Portland air guitar as well!
That is crazy exciting! You're officially one step closer. We'll have to schedule a Yahtzee tournament soon. I've been experimenting with new appetizers, beverages, and deserts for this very occasion.
wow! nobody voted for 3 crates and only 1 voted for 1! so how many is it going to be? 2 or 4??
also that photo of jesse shredding the guitar is amazing.. I might need to make a new coffee mug out with that as his photo has already worn off my old mug..
Ha. I'm the one who voted for 1 crate, guess the rest of the world (8 people) has no faith in our incredible packing abilities (or magical powers that make crap disappear).
If only he dusted as well as he shreds guitar... we'd live a much cleaner apartment.
I like how in your pictures, Jesse looks like a giant child and you look pensive.
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