Highlight of the ceremony? G's sneakers. When asked if he received the memo that instructed the men to wear dark pants and shoes (about 99% of the graduates were in the loop), he retorted, "hey I wore a collared shirt." J added that at least he didn't wear shorts.

By the time I arrived at the Lair the boys were well lubricated with pilsner, IPA, and spicy fries. J, in particular, was in rare form. He grabbed a plastic cup, poured me a beer, and embarked on a discussion of the probability of G becoming a major Business "douchebag." Apparently, J is worried about his baby brother's soul and has given quite a bit of thought to the subject. The complex mathematical equation went something like this:
100% Potential for Douchebagdom
100% Potential for Douchebagdom
- 75 % thanks to G's upbringing by Mary Ann & Bob
+ 35% for graduating in the top 5 of his class at Haas School of Business
+25% for moving to Los Angles
- 60% for wearing the most wrinkled robe ever and soccer sneakers to his graduation ceremony
I can't even pretend to know what the heck he was talking about, but then J gave G a thorough ear massage. Having been on the receiving end of an ear massage or two, I knew at that moment the calculations were all about love - regardless how circuitous they may have seemed. G decided not to sit next to Jesse at dinner when we all met up again at Unicorn (smart guy). We had a wonderful meal and then rolled ourselves out of the restaurant to our respective cars. E stayed behind to celebrate the rest of the evening with G, and J, Bob, Mary Ann, and I headed back to Santa Cruz exhausted from the day, but smiling all the way home.
What a great afternoon!
I can't even pretend to know what the heck he was talking about, but then J gave G a thorough ear massage. Having been on the receiving end of an ear massage or two, I knew at that moment the calculations were all about love - regardless how circuitous they may have seemed. G decided not to sit next to Jesse at dinner when we all met up again at Unicorn (smart guy). We had a wonderful meal and then rolled ourselves out of the restaurant to our respective cars. E stayed behind to celebrate the rest of the evening with G, and J, Bob, Mary Ann, and I headed back to Santa Cruz exhausted from the day, but smiling all the way home.
What a great afternoon!
Awesome! Rare form = excellent form.
At least there was no Berkeley tree sitters discussion.
Was Jesse's form really that rare? be honest here...
You deserve an award for the best sister/schwester-in-law for all the traveling and partying you've done in the past couple of weeks.
Please tell Jesse to stop giving Graham a hard time about moving to Los Angeleese. Like my grandpa always said, "Hate the game, not the playa."
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