Ava's a little leery of strangers these days, so when Jesse approached her upon our arrival, she burst into tears. I, on the other hand, was smarter and bribed her with Cheerios. I could see the love growing every time she shoved one in her mouth with those cute pudgy fingers. We were BFF's in no time. After she realized that Jesse was an OK guy, she let him hold her for a while. The whole time though, she treated him as if he was the dorky kid in middle school who just asked her for a slow dance. While polite enough to accept, she behaved like a total dead fish - looking around at everyone else in the room, and vowing to hate Led Zeppelin as long as she lives for their epic ballads.
Oh, and newsflash, apparently my BFF status with Ava was totally in my head. Yesterday afternoon I found a baby-sized hand mark on the back of my shirt. It's made out of (what I assume is) a teething biscuit and drool. Dude, Ava-cakes, you can't just wipe stuff on the back of your BFF's clothes and expect to get Cheerios next time.
(Speaking of anniversaries, big 'ol shout out to Serena and her Little Lady. We send you a marriage toast with our bacon cups.)
Just like any relationship, card night comes with routine, ritual, and the natural up's and down's. We always play the same game, sit in the same order, divide into the same teams, and pass around a bowl of chips clockwise. Inevitably, the game goes on for one round too many and yelling ensuses. Saturday night was no exception. "Eight-bid-Erin" (my card-playing alter ego) astonished all of the participants, including her own partner, by outbidding Jesse without the joker or either bower - the three highest cards. Ballsy? Yes. Smart? Eh, not so much. Did she pull it off? Totally, it was a classic move.
At the end of the evening Bret and I always make up (I say I like him, despite his faults, and he forgives me for flipping him the bird). Then, Jesse and I walk home exhausted. Unfortunately for us, this will probably be one of the last few card games for a while. The Schickers are bound for Arkansas in just a month or two. We are going to miss our occasional weekend games. But mostly, though, we're just going to miss the Schickers...a lot.
You know, I also burst into tears when Jesse approaches... and probably for the same reasons as Ava.
crap! I was going to make the same joke as eric!! then I was going to make a joke about slowdancing w/ jesse but that just got weird.
well anyways.. thanks for the anniversary shout out!!
Thanks for the anniversary shout out! The little lady and I just ate our anniversary cup cake that frozen since the wedding. A little smooshy, just like our love.
Oh marriage.
i'm going to my first-ever-shicker dinner on Tuesday. any ideas on a side dish to prepare, for someone of, well, limited expertise?
Ohh a Schicker Dinner! Nice. Will you be bringing the lady-friend? If you really want to impress Bret, the best side dish ever is Doritos of any variety. Although, if you want to class it up a bit, why not try homemade guacamole (all you have to do is mush up stuff in a bowl and serve with chips), or a simple cabbage coleslaw. You can get the pre-shredded cabbage at the grocery store and make the dressing ahead of time and mix once you arrive.
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