Rough Mornings (and Afternoons)
As I've mentioned before, J usually takes Little for the first hour or so in the morning after he wakes up so I can get a little extra sleep. Yesterday morning though, 7:30am came rather early and I was pretty bummed to find a very fussy baby staring at me as I walked into the living room. The situation called for a trip outside for some fresh air and a way for us spend time together without Miles clinging to my body. I happily lugged the stroller downstairs and we set off to the Lovejoy Bakery.
Little zoned out in the stroller and I reveled in the silence of our neighborhood at 8:00am. He ooohed when trucks would go by and I took the occasional break to poke my head around and say hello. Once we got to the bakery and I ordered breakfast, we parked ourselves at a cafe table that was just feet from the road (not an ideal location for most, but perfect for our purposes). Miles squealed with delight at the passing cars -- especially the streetcar -- and I read the Washington Post on my phone. We shared a cinnamon swirl muffin and washed it down with coffee (for me) and water for Little in his sippy cup. He'd point his finger at my plate and grunt, a form of communication that he uses a lot lately to signal MORE MORE MORE! He also flaps his arms around like a little bird to signal when OH MY GOD I'M FINISHED WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING TO FEED ME?!

Anyway, back to the bakery. I'd hand him a bite, he would examine it in his fingers and stuff it in his mouth and give me a sweet little grin. I think he was unsure about the cinnamon at first, but then realized it was a baked good and, like his father, was helpless to its powers. Little polished off about half of the muffin and then chucked his last bite out of the stroller and flapped his arms. Finished, moving on. We stayed for a few more minutes so I could chug my cup of coffee and turned around to head home. Little somehow found a pacifier in his stroller and made his little sleepy sounds (like a car with a dead battery trying to start) all the way home. I crossed my fingers that he would not fall asleep in the stroller. Once home, I fed him, rocked him and he went down for a nap without a fuss. He was so tired, yet only slept for 40 minutes (smacks head in frustration). We made sure to administer a full dose of ibuprofen before his next nap (damn you teething)!
Today was a much better day. I actually got work done, thanks to my friend T, who so kindly offered to watch the dude for a few hours this afternoon. I know I complain a lot about teething and we have more than half to go before they're all in. Maybe I should buy stock in Advil. It's going to be a long haul.
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