My mom was recently in town to help out with some of the preparation. She and I shopped until near collapse to find just the right fabric for the baby's crib sheets, changing cover, and a window shade for the guest bedroom. We also jumped right in and went out to Babies R Us and came home with a carload of necessities including a car seat and pack 'n play. (Don't worry Katie, the baby will not have to sleep in our laundry basket). While I was at work and finishing up my final paper, my mom slaved over the sewing machine with barely a break for meals. I don't think I could have ever gotten so much done without her! I will definitely post photos of all that we accomplished, but not until the back bedroom is a little more in order (so you'll just have to wait).
However, I won't leave you without a little something to help you through Monday morning. As part of our preparation for Baby G, both J and I asked our parents to bring along our baby books and a few baby photos during their recent visits. It was pretty fun to look through our milestones and of course laugh and coo over our photos as babies. It's funny how even at such a young age we already had quite a bit of personality.

We're both pretty excited to find out what traits our little guy will inherit. From his pokes and kicks lately, I'm thinking he definitely has his dad's energy level and soccer legs.
You look like mini mafia don with your hand clenched in front of your face like that.
What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? (in my best Don Corleone voice)
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