Yesterday, I had another prenatal appointment and everything is going well. Baby G decided to play nice this time with the doppler and only rolled around a few times while trying to find his heartbeat, instead of kicking the wand incessantly. His rolls and kicks are getting noticeably stronger and more frequent these days. Just before J left for his epic business trip this week, we were just hanging out in the morning when all of the sudden my belly leaned to the left and went hard in one spot. The misshapen stomach was coupled with a shooting pain in my bladder. We couldn't tell if it was his head or his rump, but he was definitely stretching out and telling me to get out of bed already so I could make some more room for his antics.
It's hard to believe that in just three months we will finally get to meet this little person who will no doubt rule our household for quite a while. I'm extremely excited to see what he looks like an figure out his personality, but oh man, there's so much do do before he arrives!
Hooray for GWBG! We can't wait to meet you little man!
It's important that your baby dresses better than you do, as I've found that way everyone is too busy checking out his cuteness to notice that you've been wearing the same sweat pants for three days.
So exciting!
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