Tropical Portland
Today was hot. No, it was sweltering. Eighty degrees outside translates into a hellish inferno in our third floor apartment with southern exposure (that we were totally excited about, but now has proven to be my demise). I nearly melted yesterday and today. Even with two fans going, all of the blinds drawn, and the lights turned off, my instant-read digital thermometer (Americas' Test Kitchen approved) read 84 degrees. Not to paint a too detailed picture for you, but my outfit of choice was a tank top and underwear. However, life must go on; chores are an imperative. Jesse was coming home today from another business trip, so I needed to get my shit together. Dishes? Check. Laundry? Check. Tasty treat for his arrival? Check.
Despite the heat, I baked a cake. I waited until after 5pm to crank up the oven, but it was still a hardship. I'm not complaining though, it's a damn tasty cake. I stumbled on the Almond Cake recipe on one of my favorite cooking blogs, Smitten Kitchen, and thought it was so beautiful (and delicious sounding) that I'd have to give it a try. Also, I love any type of dessert that involves almonds, but have yet to make one myself. I skipped the strawberry rhubarb compote, opting for fresh strawberries (sprinkled with a bit of sugar) instead. Today was one of those days that would have been awesome to have a cake stand. The tasty treat would be a lot more appealing to the eye if I didn't have to make do with my wooden cutting block. But, like I said, it was mighty tasty.
I'm making some serious progress on my dress project and hope to have some photos as proof very soon. The heat slowed down my progress, but I am determined (and I hear the clouds will be back tomorrow). Hallelujah.
How about dem Trailblazers... yaknowhatimean!?!
A tasty treat for every return? Jesse is a lucky guy! (If we were closer, I'd lend you my cake stand... we have a really nice one. Wink wink.)
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