My Mom decided to extend her week-long trip in Louisiana to visit my grandparents because my grandfather is not doing very well at all. He and my grandmother agreed to let Hospice come in and take over on Friday and his condition had been deteriorating rapidly. I spent a lot of time this weekend accepting this fact, but I've also been preparing for this for a while. However, my grandmother isn't handling it very well and that's been a strain. My Mom has relayed countless stories about how the relatives are worried that he's not interested in eating anymore. I can just imagine them telling my Mom, "maybe you could just puree a little gumbo for him" -- leave it to a southerner to worry about a dying man's appetite.
J's parents are coming tomorrow to visit for a few days. I am really excited for their arrival and can't wait to explore Portland this weekend while they're in town. Although, this week has prevented me from doing the chores that I would normally obsess over when guests are imminent. I just haven't had the (mental) strength to struggle with the vacuum hose. Lame. I know, I've already given myself plenty of guilt trips over that fact this week. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to have a morning filled with vacuuming, dusting, and general scrubbing. What have I done instead of vacuuming and scrubbing you ask? Well, I made an extra large pot of chili and a veggie lasagna large enough to feed a family of eight. I must be genetic -- I cook food in crisis, and lots of it.
Speaking of redecorating, I have had this fabric from Urban Outfitters sitting around since Christmas and it just occurred to me that it would be a fabulous addition to the bathroom. Oh focus group blog (probably sponsored by the Devil), why do you taunt me when you know I have better things to worry about?! This evening (after writing my "inspiration journal") I pulled the fabric out of the closet and hung it over the shower curtain just to see if my mind's eye was on target. I summonsed J in the bathroom to give his expert opinion. I don't think he realized was that I meant was, "what do you think of me making this a shower curtain tonight?"
What? Can't a woman be spontaneous?
I think it's perfectly acceptable to deal with emotional crisis by cooking a massive amount of food. Just make sure you date clearly and package tightly before cramming things into the freezer.
Lots of love and thoughts for your grandfather and family.
You're so damn talented.
Very sorry to hear about your grandfather's condition. Sending best wishes!
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