Thursday, October 30, 2008
Soup Weather
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Patriots and Pie

Since we were already out, I decided that our bike ride would not be nearly dramatic enough unless we made a third stop at the grocery store. We picked up apples (to celebrate fall with a pie or crumble), three boxes of tissues, cold medicine (since my ears are still stopped up), some veggies, and a Coke (for the caffeine/sugar boost that I needed to make it home). I took full advantage of the three boxes of tissues and was able to breathe on our way home. By the time we parked our bikes in the basement, I was feeling refreshed and actually was glad that we took the dreaded bike ride. I think I needed a little fresh air.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Circumstances that Ate Last Week
Ben and Daphne are heading home today. It was wonderful having them here to visit.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Update
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Scenes of Destruction
I think I'll put away the curtains for now and see if I can pick up another iron when I run errands this afternoon. Or, I could just throw the curtains in a pile and leave the curtain rod up there naked to mourn the death of my little Sunbeam iron. I think I like the latter.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jesse's good friend, Ben, is coming to visit on Saturday and there are still quite a few things that need to be accomplished in the apartment. I have been lax in doing things that are unappealing to me lately, like hanging that shelf in the kitchen and organizing a pile of stuff in our bedroom. There is also a mound of laundry that keeps staring at me and more paperwork that needs filing.
It's a lot to take on in just one day (just the laundry alone might kill me), but I am determined to check off several tasks on my to-do list!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Four Pounds of Greens
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Umami Saturday
I researched recipes on several of my go-to cooking sites/books and narrowed the choices to the perfect noodle dish. We rode our bikes down to Safeway for ingredients, but they didn't have shiitake mushrooms or udon noodles. Lame. So, with backpacks full of other stuff, we stopped by Fred Meyer and Trader Joe's for the remaining key components. While at Fred Meyer, we picked out the perfect beer for the evening -- Sapporo, our choice beverage for Nooshi (and homemade) happy hours.
We were all about the umami taste buds tonight. I'm pretty sure savory is my favorite because I could eat these noodles all night and not think twice about tasty sweets hanging out in our kitchen. Jesse's weakness is definitely the sweet, which is why I have to hide the remaining 5 carrot cupcakes, otherwise I won't get any. Perhaps, with more scientific research and voluntary testing, one day we'll discover beer taste buds. I'm pretty sure I have a very well-developed set.
Friday Date Night with a Special Guest, Carrots
Hands down, carrots rock.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Lazy Day
On Tuesday, Jesse and I both had job interviews. Mine was more of a meet and greet over lunch and Jesse's was an interview for a job that doesn't exist yet, but might someday. Oddly enough, we were making contact with people from the same company. I had a really nice lunch with two people from an environmental company here in Portland. It was nice to meet professionals who are immersed in things that I enjoy and have lived in the city for quite a while. They were both very helpful on the job front, even though they don't have full time positions to offer right now, as well as sites to visit and things to do in the city. It is likely that they will throw some consulting work my way in the next few months (if I'm not already gainfully employed).

I did, however, manage manage to spend an inordinate amount of time applying for an internship (of all things) with the city of Portland in their planning department. The position was forwarded to me by the senior associate at the architecture firm that I will be working as a contractor for later on this month. The internship work is not earth shattering, which means I'll probably rock at it, but I see it as a way to potentially make more contacts in the preservation community and possibly talk to some of the planning offices about how Oregon's (and Portland's) preservation policies suck. The more I read, the more I realize that there is very little regulation or oversight when it comes to historic resources -- their last comprehensive survey of the city was conducted in 1980!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Furniture Game - Final Update
I have obtained the following "furniture" items since my first Furniture Game post (including a recap of initial blogged purchases):

Billy Bookcases: 2 @ $59.98
We purchased the two tall Billy bookcases this past weekend to hold most of our books. The three smaller bookcases in the middle were brought with us from D.C. It's amazing how much stuff these bookcases hold. I'm also really excited that they blend in enough with the walls to mimic the awesome built-ins that we have throughout the apartment.
End Table, courtesy of Craigslist: $15
I know, you probably think I'm lying, but I really only paid $15 for this awesome end table. As I was driving to the lady's house, it crossed my mind that this might have been a ploy to lure me to a dark alley and take all of my belongings. That thought couldn't have been further from the truth. She was really nice and told me that it was her parent's (they bought it on their honeymoon) and she just wanted to give it to someone who would appreciate it.
Crate and Barrel Wool Area Rug: $149
Totally lame photo, I know, but it's back ordered. Hopefully it will come in the next few days. Unlike the photo, the rug is a nice brown color. The actual cost was $249, but we had a gift card from our wedding.
Step Stool/Office Chair/Kitchen Chair: $24.99
Jesse and I have had a philosophical disagreement on whether I should include our step stool into the equation. He argues that since I have been using it as a chair for nearly 4 weeks, that it is, in fact, a piece of furniture. So fine. I'll include it, but under duress.
So, that brings the total to $835.95 (or $126.95 over budget). So, technically I haven't won the Furniture Game. However, I am not completely devastated since most of you naysayers speculated that I would fail miserably by going at least $200 over budget. Also, the point of the game was to dip as little as possible into our meager income these first couple of months in Portland. I think it's a pretty huge feat to furnish our one bedroom apartment (almost) from scratch for under $1000 -- and to have only $127 in out of pocket costs.
Now that I have a paycheck on the horizon, I won't feel bad about shopping Craigslist for a cute breakfast table and chairs to replace the empty spot left by my my new office desk.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ahh Home
I'm getting much closer to finishing the sanding on my consignment store chair (I found some 100 grit sandpaper that has been useful in removing those tough spots of varnish). I'll be staining and this weekend for sure.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Organizing Streak
Jesse said today that unpacking the books felt like being reacquainted with old friends. It's true. Having our books and things around is already making it feel more like home.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Good Deal Day
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tiny Kitchen, Giant Oven
The cookies were delicious, but more importantly the oven passed the initial test. Now I can move on to more complicated things like pies and tarts and maybe even a turkey. Oh man, it feels like Christmas!